
Terms of Services

**Terms and Conditions for Adding Listings on an Islamic Country’s Site**
Welcome to our website! Before you proceed with adding listings, please carefully read and understand the following terms and conditions governing the use of this platform in an Islamic country. By adding listings, you agree to abide by these rules, regulations, and guidelines:
1. **Prohibited Items and Activities:** 
Users are strictly prohibited from adding listings related to the following items and activities, which are considered unlawful, immoral, or against the principles of Islamic law:
   – Liquor, alcoholic beverages, and any intoxicating substances.
   – Unauthorized or haram (forbidden) foods, such as pork and its by-products.
   – Illegal sex toys or any products promoting indecency or immorality.
2. **Halal and Ethical Compliance:** 
All listings must comply with Islamic dietary laws (Halal) and ethical standards. This includes food products and services that adhere to Halal certification requirements.
3. **Respect for Islamic Values:** 
Users are expected to show respect for Islamic beliefs, values, and traditions. Listings should not include any content that is offensive, blasphemous, or disrespectful towards Islam or any other religion.
4. **Accuracy of Information:** 
Users are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information in their listings. Misleading or false information is strictly prohibited.
5. **Lawful Conduct:** 
Users must comply with all local laws, regulations, and guidelines of the Islamic country in which the site operates. Any listings promoting illegal activities will be removed, and appropriate legal action may be taken.
6. **Community Guidelines:** 
Users must adhere to the platform’s community guidelines, which promote a safe, respectful, and positive environment for all users.
7. **Copyright and Intellectual Property:** 
Users must respect copyright and intellectual property rights. Only add listings for products or services that they have the right to offer.
8. **Moderation and Enforcement:** 
The site administrators reserve the right to moderate and review all listings to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. Listings violating any of these rules may be removed without prior notice. Repeated violations may result in the suspension or termination of the user’s account.
9. **Privacy and Data Protection:** 
Users must comply with the platform’s privacy policy and not misuse or disclose personal information of other users.
10. **Indemnification:** 
Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless the website and its administrators from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their use of the platform or any violation of these terms and conditions.
11. **Changes to Terms and Conditions:** 
The website reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the platform after modifications constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.
Remember, compliance with these terms and conditions is essential to maintain a respectful and lawful platform for all users. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team for assistance.
By adding listings on this platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.